1) Why do you think girls tend to not consider science as a possible career option?
2) What can you do in your classroom to help girls make more informed choices about science careers?
I think the majority of girls don't consider science as a career option becasue in our society today women are more so involved in the home and family life. Being a scientist takes up a lot of time so I think women who want to have a family don't see themselves in the sciences. I'm not saying this is true for everyone but in our society today, it is more acceptable for the male to be away from the home more so then the woman. I also feel like when we were taught science it was a very boring and step by step process. In my high school we never went outside to explore, we just worked with numbers and read out of a book and then were tested on the material. Women in general are creative and like to explore. I think that overtime there has been more males involved with the sciences and so women may see this and think it's not for women so they think they don't belong. I also think it has to do with their experiences in school. If they were taught by a male and all they learned was about biology and chemistry then girls think that's what science is all about.
In my classroom I can show students that science can be for anyone. Science can be fun, engaging, and creative. In my classroom I can have students explore more and not just focus on teaching science from a textbook. I can show students that science is not just about numbers and experiments. I can show students that there are many different kinds of sciences. I think there are a lot of things that are considered science that girls don't know about. As a teacher I can teach girls these other options instead of just the normal chemistry and biology. There's so much more out there for girls to explore so I think if teachers would introduce these topics more then they would show more interest in the sciences.